Not even when he gets sent to Hell and especially when the Big Bad becomes the titular Shaman King! His catchphrase takes on entirely new meaning by the end of the series. His signature line is "Everything will work out." He also never gives up. Determinator: Yoh is a self-professed slacker and only wants to win the Shaman Fight so he can live an easy life.Curtains Match the Window: Brown hair, brown eyes.Subverted, since Yoh doesn't get to defeat him, but does convince him to not destroy the humans. The Chosen One: As Hao's twin brother, he's expected to become Shaman King and defeat his evil brother.Catchphrase: "Everything will work out.".He cheerfully says that it is because he doesn't really have any feelings for his father since the latter left to Walk the Earth right after Yoh was born. Calling Parents by Their Name: He calls his father by his given name.Cain and Abel: With Hao, who is Yoh's biological twin in his current incarnation.

There's a reason why Anna is very tough on Yoh as this is the only way to ensure he can grow stronger. Brilliant, but Lazy: Laziness is his primary trait that his motivation to be the Shaman King is to live an easy life.
Tao jun lee pyron Patch#
Fortunately, Manta refuses to let go and manages to patch up their friendship shortly after.
Tao jun lee pyron series#
Various Daodan Do moves include Fu chong Hong Zha si (dive bomber, a series of matrix like flips), followed by Hong Zha Jiao (Bomb kick, a thrust to the face using the right leg) or the Dao Dan Jiao (rochet kick, a sudden thrust to the body with the legs)."Normally the warriors want to defeat the evil king and save the captured princess, but Yoh and the others are trying to save this bad king. Pyron died before he could complete his art form. Before Pryon died, he intended to create a perfect version of it and he intended not to pass it on until he finally perfected it. Sha-wen's Ruichong-quan kung-fu was the basis of Pryon's style, the Daodan-do (daodan is Chinese for "missile"), which combined Boxing, Muay Thai, and Karate. Sha-wen created the Ruichong-quan kung-fu (Eijuken in the English anime). Lee Pyron's sensei, Sha-wen (Shaolin in the English anime), founded a variation of the Chaolin ("super forest") Temple Style (a parody of Shaolin). Once he becomes self-aware again, he forgives Jun for what her family did to him and becomes very attached to her. It is later revealed that Pyron was murdered to be Tao Jun's guardian jiangshi. Pyron was born on Novemand died mysterious at the age of thirty his body disappeared after his funeral.

He is known as Lee Pai-Long in the English anime. Technically, he is not a spirit, but a living corpse reanimated using Tao Jun's "ofuda." However, he can be considered to be serving a similar purpose, since he serves Tao Jun and hangs around her perpetually. He is a thinly-veiled reference to Bruce Lee, who died under suspicious circumstances.
Tao jun lee pyron movie#
Lee Pyron (李 白竜)"The White Dragon," Lee Pyron was a kung fu movie star who was murdered by the Tao clan to be Jun's jiangshi bodyguard.